6 ways of making life easier daily

Today I am bringing you an assortment of ways to make life easier, or at least this has helped me as a mom of 4 in the home and out and about.   You yourself may gather some inspiration from this, do this yourself or may have another method.

Number 1: Individual name labeled diaper pouches:


It goes without saying that sometimes you just need a way to hold diapers together in the diaper bag rather than just throwing them in and getting  them spread apart, something spilled on them, etc,. so why not stuff them in individual pouches.

I took my three toddlers to our local Dollar Tree about two months ago and had them pick out their own colorful pouches. We found these pencil holding pouches hiding on a top shelf, and they were just perfect. I later demonstrated putting the diapers in the pouches for the babies to see it was their pouches and diapers and wrote their names on their own pouch. This has been so special to them and they know which bag to grab when I ask them to go get a diaper.

*You could do this with the items in your purse as well, although I will admit I am not there yet. I am still trying to find the perfect bags to hold a change of clothes in the diaper bag.

Number 2: Dirty sock bin


Do you ever get tired of washing all of your socks in several loads and then finding that some just disappear. I was getting so fed up with this that I decided to implement a bin or basket for dirty socks so these could be washed all together or in one load with some clothes. I found this basket in a set of 2 for $1 at the Dollar Tree a while back.  So far so good, everyone is happy and a sock has a mate.

Number 3: Put away later bin


This bin was started by either my sister or sister-in-law a few weeks back when they were visiting and I loved the concept so much that I kept it going. Basically you just keep a bin or basket around and as you find papers to keep or things around the house that need to get put up you place these in the bin until you can get to them. This might include coupons to look through, art/school work to decide to keep or scrapbook, throw away etc. or just miscellaneous papers. Right now I have emptied the contents of this bin and found a home for them except for some papers I just need to toss per hubbies permission.

Number 4: Re-using bags bag



I have seen where probably everyone I know does this, but designate an area to reuse plastic or even paper bags as they are so helpful for so many things. In our home we use them for diaper bag (holding outfits together), bathroom trashcans, for the hubbies lunch, and more.
Number 5: Plan meals out ahead of time

I admit I have not been the greatest at this lately as it takes time to devote planning out meals for a WHOLE week and especially healthy kid friendly ones that don’t take hours to prepare, but sometimes I have written these down in my planner and used while shopping at the grocery store.
Number 6: The use of Pinterest
This one is probably a no-brainer for a lot of people but sometimes we need instant help on somethings, like recipes, creative party ideas and more. Lately I have used my pinterest for inspiration on how to style a certain item in my wardrobe and it has just been neat to see what all I can do with one floral shirt or leopard print flat shoes, etc. I also love using Pinterest for recipes and DIY crafts/tutorials. By the way if we are not yet friends on Pinterest then let me know and we should follow eachother. You can find my  Pinterest here.

These are just some of the ways or methods that keep me sane, or that have been helpful each day or week. I would love to hear your methods or ways that help make your life easier. What do you do? What has helped you?

*Have you had a chance to check out and link up to the current live “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me” link up? If not you can do so in the link below. You can link up any post pertaining to fashion, parenting, DIY, tutorials, recipes, anything.  This link up will go for two weeks this time around instead of weekly. I will feature my favorite 5 when the link up is over. If you already linked up, feel free to link up as many times as you want. Remember to follow the rules in the link up link and grab a button below or link your post back to here. Thanks, and be inspired!

Garay Treasures
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