Finding the right shade of lipstick

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This past Sunday night I had the privilege to get away from my kids and have a sleep-over with my best friend Kendall of 15 years. She has been going through a tough time in her life lately but is hopeful and relying on God for His strength and comfort and I just felt loved to be away from the kids and just love on my friend for an over-nighter (which is is rare for a mom of 4).  We spent time praying God’s word, laughing, drinking Coca-Cola (a treat for me sometimes as I don’t have soda in the house) and trying on lipstick shades from none other than Avon.

If you have been following me for long you may remember that my best friend is an Avon consultant. A while back I even hosted a review and giveaway with her for an Avon 3 piece charm necklace and earring set (see that post here). Sunday night as I flipped through her catalog I made mention that I didn’t know what shades looked good on me (lipstick wise) and that I was also searching for the right color red for my lips. Right away my friend pulled out her bag of sample lipstick tubes and I pulled out my camera and a pen and paper to document what shades I liked and why.

Before I get started on revealing the photos and lipstick shades I feel I must reveal a beauty tip that may save you cash in the long run and that is on how to exfoliate your lips with products in your pantry. My friend, Kendall told me that all you need is to wet your finger with water and dip it in a teaspoon worth of sugar and rub this all over your lips and it works just as well as lip exfoliating products in the stores. Also before I show the photos I want to apologize ahead of time for the poor quality as it was dark outside and so these were shot in my friends kitchen.  If you see the asterisk (*) next to each caption that means to check out the prices and sales of each shade below.

*Picture 1- no lipstick but lips are exfoliated (with sugar and water tip above) sorry for the unclear picture.


Picture 2- Caring Coral shade- a very casual look that could be worn day or night. I just love the hint of red and orange tones.


*Picture 3 & 4Red Velvet- a great date night shade and personally my favorite shade of red sampled.


*Picture 5- Creamy Melon- a suttle pink shimmery color, with a natural lip color effect.


*Picture 6-Coffee crème- this shade excited me as it is very fall season appropriate and it looked very nice on me. Plus I loved the name of the lipstick shade (coffee crème- hey I love coffee anything).


*Picture 7- Ripe Rose- a very natural and pretty pink color, great for daytime casual or dress up.


*Picture 8- Tea Rose as modeled by myself and my friend. Compare our photos, as the same lipstick pops out beautifully in a reddish/pink tone but looks more lip natural in color on my friend. This lipstick color is great for day and night time wear and is my friends favorite (and a popular color among the women in her family too).

DSC01577 DSC01590

*Picture 9-Sparkling Mauve- as modeled once again by myself and my friend. Once again do you notice the difference in the tones of the same color in each photo, so bazaar, but I love how lovely this shade turned out on us both and it is my friends new favorite.



“Are there any colors that don’t look good on you?!”- from Kendall about lipstick colors on my lips, gotta love her. I mean what are friends for?

Which shade was your favorite? Have you tried Avon lipstick before? any favorites? What is your favorite lipstick color and brand?

*I was not compensated for this review of Avon lipsticks but I was provided with any number and color of sample lipstick tubes to take home. I chose Red Velvet and Coffee Crème. You can purchase coffee crème, creamy melon, red velvet and ripe rose for $8 to $9 and the Ultracolor collection (Caring Coral and Sparkling Mauve) for a sale price of $5.99 and this sale continues for 2 weeks with Kendall as your ordering consultant you can contact her by e-mail at Kendy228g@yahoo(dot)com to place an order or find out what other offers Avon has to offer or current sales or visit her Avon page here. Thanks in advance for considering Kendall and her business with Avon.

* If you would like for me to promote or review your business’ products then click here for my policies, want to guest post on my blog then click here.

Have you linked up to my “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me” link up yet? You can do so below and possibly be featured as one of 5 featured bloggers next Tuesday, so grab the button or link back here and link up. Thanks loves.

Garay Treasures
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Linking up with:
Whitney with Personal Style Monday.

God Life Happy Wife

InDuffinitely Me
The Fashionista Momma

Shopping My Closet

Amy Fashion Blog

12 thoughts on “Finding the right shade of lipstick

  1. I agree, 3 & 4 is such a great red color on you… but, I love the more natural color in 5, too! I really don’t wear a lot of lipstick, but I want to get a nice fall color. I have a free MAC lipstick I can get once I turn in my recyclables… just haven’t gotten up there yet! Sounds like a fun night!

  2. What a fun evening! I’m not much of a lip stick wearer, more for neutral glosses, but some samples I’ve gotten have made me try different things, even if it’s just for my weekly outfit shoot!

  3. Love all those colors on you. I never wear lipstick, but those shades are so perfect I may just have to try!!
    Btw, I am loving all these changes with your blog! I definitely need to start getting more active with my own! (If a mom of 4 little ones can do it, then so can I! …I just have to stop being lazy lol)
    Xo Amanda | Sans Scrubs

  4. I think the colors you chose to bring home are lovely on you! I don’t wear lipstick often, but I love a bright fuchsia when I do wear it!

  5. I love Avon makeup! I think that they have some excellent products. And all of these lip shades DO look good on you! I have an issue with anything that has orange undertones. Isn’t it crazy how different the same lipstick can look on different people?!

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