Featured Blogger Moment: Keri

Today I am thrilled to introduce to you a blogger named Keri whom I just consider such an uplifting, encouraging and mentoring partner in the blogging world. Whenever I seem to go through some personal issues or struggles as a mom sometimes her posts just encourage me and seem to be what God wanted me to read and know in that moment when I know I have needed guidance or Him the most. Keri also blogs about children’s theme lesson plans and crafts to all things family orientated. I am just excited for what she is going to share with you today. Without further adieu here is Keri.</p

Hello, my name is Keri and I share over at Living In This Season. I was so excited when Rachel asked me to share a little with you all. It has been such a joy meeting Rachel and getting to know her more.
I am the wife to my husband of 9 years and mama to 3 little ones, ages 5, 2, and 5 months. Blogging is a way that I can share with others as we each go through different seasons of life. When we all are encouraging and uplifting one another, life’s trials can be lightened.
1). For anyone that happens upon your blog what do you hope they take away from it? What encouragement would you give?
I hope and pray they will leave encouraged and excited about life. Trust me when I say, my life is not all cute kid’s crafts and organized spaces. Life is messy, friends, isn’t it? The unexpected happens… things do not always go as we plan. I hope my readers leave knowing that they are not alone and perhaps inspired… whether that be to go create a project, read with your little one, or go on a date with your husband. So often, we go through the rough seasons of life and think “I am all alone.” But I am here to tell you that you are NOT alone! I recently started a series called A Letter To… which is a place where others will come in and share encouragement about a different season of life. I am hoping and praying this can be a way for us to build community and grow together.
2). As a mother of multiple children how would you describe balancing time with each child? Together? Any suggestions or tips?
Balance… this word is constantly whirling through my mind. One main thing I try to keep in mind is to give myself grace. I could waste all day sitting here thinking how my toddler doesn’t get as much attention now that we have a baby, but you know what that is pointless! He is very much loved and has special moments. One thing we try to do is go on dates with the kids. Our dates are nothing fancy. Sometimes, I will take one of the boys with me to run errands and we will get a special treat. The other boy stays with my husband and baby and he will do a special activity or game with them. Once my daughter is older, we will incorporate this with her too. We are trying to build in a sense of love and family… we are big on having family nights!
3). As a former preschool teacher what are some things you brought from the classroom environment into the home as a stay at home mom? Creativity wise or more?
I love crafts. I am that mom who will be doing a ton of Turkey crafts this November, because I love it! If it stresses you out, that is fine, do something else with your kids. But for me, it is something I love and enjoy to do with my kids. Also, I am a huge fan of having theme weeks. Honestly, we are still figuring out a new routine with my oldest in school and having a baby, but I am working on having simple activities with my toddler throughout the week.
4). Describe your personality in one word and why?
Encouraging. I really have such a desire to encourage others. Whether it is my husband, my kids, my family, friends, through the blogging world. I love to bring a little joy to others’ lives.
5). Could you tell us more about your new etsy shop and why you create what you do?
I have always loved being crafty. Pretty much all of our home decor has been inspired from a Pinterest project. I find myself seeing something in a store and saying why would I buy that? I bet I could figure out how to make this. HAHA! (Which sometimes ends in an epic fail!). But back to the Etsy Shop. Friends and family have been telling me over the years to open one, but I was not sure. It is kind of nerve-wracking stepping out there and promoting your stuff. But I did it, and am loving it! I sell a little bit of a variety (kind of like my blog, just a variety). So far I have holiday banners, birthday banners, baby mobiles, and a thankful tree in the shop. The Thankful Tree has been my biggest seller so far- which I love! I love seeing others inspired to do this activity with their family and helping them to do so.
6). Finally, how can readers be in contact with you?
I love connecting with others and would love to connect. Feel free to contact me at kerisnyder(at)gmail(dot)com or through social media.

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