Fashion Reinvented

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It has been awhile since I posted an outfit post, and for many reasons. Number one I feel like I have nothing when I look in my closet. In fact, Amy Ann of the Real Arnolds feels the same way, check her thoughts out here on budgeting and outfit posts. What I mean is that I don’t own anything really trendy or new. A lot of my clothing is thrifted, from a clothing swap with a buddy, donated or by winning chance through giveaways. My hubby  has worked hard and a lot of overtime and for the past few years and we just haven’t had the budget to be buying NEW clothes as often as we would like, so we wear things over and over till holes or tears turn up.

Number two, I feel like I wear the same jeans, dresses or shirts.

Number three, there is more to life than clothes and what we wear. There are the people around us and other things to be passionate about. For me it’s God and my kids, and our daily activities. I am sorry if weeks ago I went through a outfit post frenzy but as you can see lately I have desired to feature more bloggers, meet new ladies, post about the kids or projects going on. This doesn’t mean I will end outfit posts but it doesn’t need to be my focus on this blog every single time I post.



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This outfit here is no exception. Here you see the DKNY jeans that I always wear (these jeans are almost 7 years old, bought on clearance at TJ Maxx) paired with a tee that I won from a giveaway from 65 MCMLXV (isn’t it cute!) The lovely statement necklace was free with a giftcard from that I won from a giveaway (see my 3 winner giftcard giveaway going on now at the end of this post to enter to win $50, $40 or $30). The flats were bought on clearance from Target with a giftcard I had from Christmas, the sunglasses are thrifted along with the other spiked necklace and earrings. The only new item here is my Michael Kors handbag, bought from money my hubby saved for my birthday.

Whew! that was a lot to let out and be honest with you about. My hubby told me on Friday (when I wore this) that he liked it when I dressed up and wore some jewelry, straightened my hair, wore make-up. But as you see here I didn’t have to spend but a few bucks for the whole outfit.

Lastly, The last thing I want people to think when they read this blog is that I have a lot of extra money floating around to get whatever. I don’t.

To end on a great note (other than the giveaway you can enter) I had a great weekend with my hubby and so look to viewing that post tomorrow (or shortly) about what we did in celebrating our 4 year anniversary.

Thanks for reading!

Rachel xo

Don’t forget to enter the giftcard giveaway going on now 3 winners will be selected. Open Internatioally. Enter using the rafflecopter link here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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13 thoughts on “Fashion Reinvented

  1. First of all – HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! 4 years is fantastic, next month we will be celebrating our 24th. Next, the outfit is great bargain and you look nice, my motto, ‘if it isn’t thrifted on sale or clearance, then it isn’t worth it!” Hopped over from the Personal Style Linkup at Whitney’s place,

  2. I agree with DeDivahDeals that it’s not worth buying full price clothing. I think the cost of one full-priced outfit would be enough for me to buy a 20 piece wardrobe from Goodwill! But, I’ve always been “cheap” or “thrifty” or “resourceful” since I was young. My mom would send me into a store with $20, and I’d come out with a bag full. You’re doing great and looking stylish. No pressure to keep up with outfit posts. It’s your blog 🙂

  3. I love your shirt! And the necklace looks beautiful against the black. Thank you for this post! I hate getting caught up in wearing “blog worthy” outfits and I know I’m guilty of that.
    Glad to hear you guys had a great Anniversary.

  4. I definitely enjoy wearing clothes I like, but you’re right that fashion doesn’t have to require much of an investment of time and money. My favorite dress is one I’ve had since I was 15! Just ’cause clothes are old doesn’t mean they’re not awesome!
    And happy anniversary to you and your husband!!

  5. I love anything gold, so of course I love your fashion statement tee! I really want to get one that says ‘Wifey’ in gold. I haven’t been digging my closet lately, either… we have an outdoor concert later this week and I have no clue what to wear in my closet.

  6. Love the gold lettering on the tee and it’s perfect the way you styled it with the jeans and flats. “There is more to life than clothes and what we wear…” Ain’t that the truth. Just like you, sometimes I wonder how I can better use my love of writing to glorify Him. I have to say that I’m thankful He’s allowed me to have my blog because otherwise I wouldn’t be writing at all. ~Cynthia

  7. Happy Anniversary to you both, 4 years is awesome! I love this outfit – and I love that you’re so open. I love clothing that I’ve had for years, and I never ever ever pay full price for anything. So glad I’m not the only one! Fashion blogging can seem like you have to have the trendiest, latest (pricey) items just to blog – but I really enjoy personal style blogs best so I can see real people wearing their real clothes (and remixing them). You are one of them!

    Fashion, Floss and Lip Gloss

  8. You know I am all about bargains, just like you. Happy 4th years of Bliss you guys! I think I need that funny and pun-intended T-shirt, and the statement necklace, too. =)

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