Blogger’s Who Have Inspired Me #6

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I acknowledge that it has been awhile since my last “Blogger’s Who Have Inspired Me” series, see the others here, here, here and here and here. But it is ALOT of work to find what actually inspires me, gather up the info, e-mail the ladies and take the time to compile the post. I have toyed with the idea of more featured blogger moments (read Ambers and Becky’s) or a link up and then featuring my favorite post(s). Any input will be nice?!

Anyhow, Hopefully you will be inspired today, some how. With the permission of these bloggers to share their posts and blogs I am THRILLED to finally share these with you. If you see a post from one or all of them that you like feel free to follow them or link up to their link-ups as I am sure they would be most appreciative of this gesture 🙂


I am a big fan of Ada and her daughter Vivian and read her blog as often as I can (almost daily). Many months ago she posted this lace tee and plaid/red skirt combo and I was hooked. This is definitely my favorite look on Ada. There is a mix of classy, sexy and edgy all in one outfit. She definitely inspires me to try a edgy but feminine look.



Visit the post here to read more. *Sorry Ada this is months late, as I told you months ago I wanted to feature this. Your’e a doll and so patient xoxo.


A while back, Whitney posted about using the gifts God has given you and not only figuring out what those are and accomplishing them, but to continuously use them. (see post here)When you use the gifts God gives you, you are giving back to Him. Some of Whitney’s gifts included her love for writing, thrifting and creativity beyond her blog.  Hence coming up with Nics Picks where she sells thrifted and vintage items while blogging and styling other ladies. She is continuously growing and using her gifts and waiting for more of what God has in store for her.


She inspired me to take a look at my own gifts. Am I using them to the fullest? Now as I type this, I am not so sure. I love writing, but all I write on now is my blog or facebook, maybe my planner occasionally. But could I be doing more of it to uplift people, help myself, as a way to communicate to God, like a letter to Him.  I love to teach, but some past failures/hurts haunt me and having 4 kids now doesn’t allow for much substituting or a full time job. I teach at church to fulfill this need but could I be more passionate about it? These are gifts I need to pray and ask God to show me how to best use, and with the attitude for using these gifts to ultimately give back to him.


You may think that calling this category ‘permission or inspirational’ is weird but here is my reason why: we need to give ourselves grace, and give ourselves permission to do so. I have always heard one of my best friends Katie talk about needing grace and God’s grace daily as she parents and faces faults or weak areas, but I never quite understood what she was actually telling me. When I read Keri’s post called It’s Ok Dear Mama (read entire post here) I knew right away that God was wanting to show me what grace actually looks like as a mom and past teacher/student, through Keri’s words.


“So I urge you today, as you stare at the piles of laundry, step on Cheerios, lose your patience… Give yourself some grace. You are an amazing mom dear one, you are raising some incredible kids. Let go of the guilt and let the grace flow in.” Keri Snyder

Wow that quote above could just make me cry each time I read it. I am not a perfect mom, or teacher but it is a GREAT feeling to know that God thinks of us as Amazing. Amazing mom’s, women, workers, aunts, or amazing at something that we don’t give ourselves grace for. Thank you Keri for such an inspirational post. (By the way, I teamed up with Keri and 11 other bloggers to bring you a neat “Back to School” idea feature and giveaway coming up on the blog soon, check back as we present it).

Thank you for inspiring me ladies and for responding to allow me to share YOUR ideas and posts. :). Until the next part in the series enjoy! and thanks for reading, let me know what you think!?!
Like what I have posted?! You can follow me through these medias: Bloglovin, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest.

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13 thoughts on “Blogger’s Who Have Inspired Me #6

  1. Pingback: {Back to School} - Living In This Season

  2. That is why I love reading blogs, I get so much inspiration! I follow Ada’s blog and enjoy all the outfits she shares of her and her daughter. She def. has the sexy get classy pose down in the second photo where she is showing a the back view of the outfit!

    • Thanks so much Carrie. I enjoy your blog and weekly link-up very much. You are a great lady, lovely mom and very stylish as well. =) Thanks again for the sexy compliments lol.

  3. Rachel, you are so very sweet. Thanks so much for such a beautiful, generous feature. Even featuring two photos not one! That outfit is one of my most favorites from this year. It was sexy but yet very covered up. I love that skirt and that lace tee is my favorite lace top, since it is understated. =) I also read and like Whitney’s inspirational blog.

    Ohh and you inspire me to be a better mom and do it all. I don’t know how you manage to always look lovely, blog full-time, have a happy life and marriage while having 4 little ones. Above all, you are a great mom and a lovely lady. I love that blogging has lead me to you. That is the best part about blogging – meeting the people we do. =)

    Have a great, relaxing weekend Sweet Rachel!!

  4. I get so much inspiration from reading blogs! I follow Ada’s and love seeing the outfits she puts together! I’m heading over to check out Whitney’s and Keri’s! Thanks for the suggestions!


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