Dressed up sundress, and mothers day

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Outfit details: Dress: Old Navy (old)//Cardigan: Old Navy (old, gift)//Heels: Bandolino (old)//Bracelet (gift)//Necklace & Earrings: unknown brand (yard sale find)//Purse: Michael Kors (gift). Photo courtesy of Hannah Smith and Annalise Wheeler(my sister- visit her new fashion blog here at http://911fashionexpert.wordpress.com).

I hope all you ladies enjoyed this past mother’s day weekend, and that you felt spoiled. I know I did, and more so because my Birthday is this coming Sunday so I got to celebrate with a lovely home décor star for the outside of my house and Plato’s closet gift card from my sister Rebekah. I got to spend some time with my sister Rebekah and my hubby at Plato’s closet spending that gift card on accessories I can’t wait to share about soon. I had lunch with the in-laws and a mini Birthday party for my twins (they turn a year old on Friday) with my family and then my sister Annalise and her friend Hannah watched the kids while my hubby and I went to a nice sit down Italian restaurant called Ragazzi’s to enjoy a free meal (I had a coupon). Like I said I felt spoiled.

Now about this dress, would you believe this is one of my sundresses, or dress I like to wear over my swimsuit. It is, but I wanted to make it more dressed up, so adding heels, nice jewelry and a cardi along with high end bag did the trick. My hubby disapproved though, telling me I overdid it and that perhaps next time adding a cowgirl hat and sandals would work better, since he didn’t see it as a “dress dress dress.” What do you think?



In lieu of mothers day I thought I would post a picture of my mom and I. Love you mom.

I was also honored to just be a mom this holiday. God is so good, and I am blessed to have my kids. Everyday is a new one, with its joys and challenges as a mom, but I thank God for His grace and forgiveness for my mistakes, but I thank Him for what I do that is right.  To my children, I love you!

I hope you enjoyed the post.

Rachel xo
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